Tonya Overton | Start New Practices And Complete The Past | S1 E1
Sistah Soldier interviews guest Tonya Overton about what’s in the future of SHE VET iNSPIRES. Tonya describes practical steps that can
Sistah Soldier interviews guest Tonya Overton about what’s in the future of SHE VET iNSPIRES. Tonya describes practical steps that can
Host Wanda Petty "Sistah Soldier" interviews Jennifer Foxworthy "How Daily Practices Can Help You Overcome Unexpected Challenges Of Life and Transitioning"
Watch as Wanda "Sistah Soldier" Petty interviews Laurie Sayles Artist and Lisa Wolford about the importance of mentorship, and how it's
Host Wanda Petty "Sistah Soldier" interviews Carolyn Owens "How to Prepare for Transition From The Military As A Career Coach" Discovery
Host Wanda Petty "Sistah Soldier" interviews Certified Registered Nurse Victoria Buggs as to "How To Create a Plan Prior to Exiting
Host Wanda Petty "Sistah Soldier" interviews the President of the Veterans Institute of Procurement, Barbara Ashe. "Discover how to do business
Sistah Soldier describes what's up for the new season. She shares some of her own personal experiences and how she was
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Host Wanda Petty "Sistah Soldier" interviews Dr. Henry Jenkins "Benefits of Chiropractic Services" Entire video:
Belinda Johnson shares how she began the fitness journey that caused her to have a desire to help others become "Fit